heidi.bio - Amino One / October 2016

Contact email address: heidi@heidi.bio
Twitter: @HeidiDotBio

In this experiment, we explored the value of consumer-level video technology in understanding and documenting multi-day bioengineering projects. In general, adoption of bioengineering in the home may depend on integrating various types of technology that are found in some homes but not all. Employing video in a bioengineering project is a special case in which the home-based bioengineer may already be familiar with the technology and may already have the technology in use; nonetheless, it would usually require a new camera purchase. Our goal was to determine whether the availability of video data was useful in characterizing the success of an experiment. (Our goal was not to determine whether a specific bioengineering success was possible: that had already been established by many other persons in the past.)

We used the Amino One Desktop Biolab with the "Engineer-it Kit" magenta DNA program. This Amino One was from the earliest production, and had the name "Cricket" on the back. Instead of having a person watch the experiment continuously for two days, we set up a Nest Cam Indoor security camera, aimed at the Amino One culture chamber and the top of the touchscreen, to record the entire outcome of the growth of transformed E. coli. The Nest Aware component offered 1080p video streaming into the nest.com cloud. After the E. coli lifecycle had ended, we made time-lapse videos and also used the Video Clip feature in Nest Aware to extract short video excerpts of important events, such as when the color or translucency of the culture chamber was changing or the pH was changing. The VLC media player and FFmpeg software allowed us to examine these excerpts, graph the touchscreen data, and extract representative still pictures for this report. In addition, we attempted quantitative measurement of the color changes, but this was largely unsuccessful. (We also watched the live video stream during the experiment, because we were usually not physically located at the site of the experiment.)

The two small pictures below show the culture chamber before and after the DNA program had its observable effect. The left picture, obtained a few hours after Grow-it Kit step 3, shows the light-yellow color characteristic of the lysogeny broth (LB) media. The right picture, obtained 39 hours later, shows the maximum observed intensity of the magenta color. Here, the E. coli were expressing the ability to produce a pigment that, in nature, can be produced by coral DNA but cannot be produced by E. coli DNA.

All time values in this report are relative to the beginning of the use of the culture chamber. In other words, the zero hour began when the LB media was inoculated with transformed E. coli and the forward circulation, heat, and air were turned on. For approximately the first 15 hours, there was no significant change in the culture chamber. The bacteria population remained at about 150 billion, and the pH remained at about 6.7. (A later table has more precise data, and explains why the bacteria populations in the text differ from the bacteria populations visible in the pictures.) Also, the initial light-yellow color and clear-liquid appearance were always present, as shown in these two pictures from 3 hours and 14 hours after the beginning:

After 17 hours, the light-yellow color was still present but the culture chamber became more cloudy, although the bacteria population and pH remained approximately the same:

At the 20-hour point, cloudiness had increased. Also, the bacteria population had risen to 300 billion and the pH had risen to 7.0:

The interval between 20 and 23 hours had the most rapid pH change, with a climb from 7.0 to 7.8. This picture at 21 hours shows a very cloudy chamber with 300 billion bacteria and a pH of 7.2:

Similarly, this picture at 22 hours shows a very cloudy chamber with 300 billion bacteria and a pH of 7.5:

At the 23-hour point, the color began to slowly move from yellow toward pink. This was difficult to notice at first. Here, the bacteria population was 400 billion and the pH was 7.8:

After 26 hours, there was again more gradual shift toward the slightly darker pink color. The bacteria population was 350 billion and the pH was 8.4:

At this point, additional LB media was added through the Food Port. The culture chamber was about 45% full before this step, and about 67% full after this step.

Next, at the 29-hour point, it seemed reasonable to label the color as pink. The bacteria population was 350 billion and the pH was 8.1:

A better conclusion about the pink color could be reached after 33 hours. At this time, the bacteria population was 700 billion and the pH was 8.7:

After that point, the bacteria population and pH both rose more slowly. Here, at 35 hours, the population was again 700 billion and the pH was 8.9:

At 39 hours, the bacteria population was 800 billion and the pH was 9.1. Often, a pH value of 9 is considered the maximum for continued E. coli growth. Also, the pink color was near its maximum intensity at this point:

The 42-hour point again had a bacteria population of 800 billion, and the pH had edged up slightly to 9.2. This seemed to be the closest that the culture chamber approached to a true magenta color:

After that point, the pH remained at 9.2 for days, and the bacteria population dropped by about 150 billion per day. We did not do extensive work on data collection in this late stage of the experiment. The pink color faded gradually over time. Additional LB media was added at these time points: 44 hours, 73 hours, and 97 hours. After 116 hours, 15 ml of lemon juice (pictured at the end of this report) was added through the Custom Ingredient port to reduce the pH (Grow-it Kit step 4.2). This apparently increased the bacteria population but did not restore the pink color. The pH remained at 2.6 for days after this.

Here is the main set of bacteria population and pH data. The bacteria population displayed on the Amino One touchscreen often jumped by hundreds of billions over the course of seconds. For the data below (and in the earlier text of this report), the approach was to watch a two-minute video excerpt at the time listed in each table row, and attempt to manually compute a median value of all of the displayed numbers. (The pH values never jumped except during a short time window after initially loading the culture chamber.) Note that LB media was added at the 26.5 hour point - this is correlated with the drop in pH at that time. Our graph was made with GNU Octave:

A table of the same data:

Relative Time (Hours)Bacteria Population (billions)pH

We were also very interested in quantitative measurement of whether the culture chamber had yellow liquid or pink liquid. In attempting to achieve this, we created histograms of the color component distributions in our pictures of the culture chamber. We had data in the YUV color space, and expected that the U component would increase during the transition from yellow to pink. This could potentially be used in an automated process that determined when a sufficient amount of pink was present. Specifically, we would be able to use a Nest API to obtain a snapshot_url value from the "cameras" object, and then visit this URL to download a JPEG image. Next, a histogram could be produced, and further calculations could determine whether enough U values were greater than a specified cutoff value.

In other words, the Nest Cam Indoor product has (at least in theory) the data-acquisition capability for determining the time at which E. coli are expressing the ability to produce a pigment. This could be useful if one wanted to begin pigment extraction at that time. It could also be useful if one wanted to alert interested persons about the pigment, so that they could go to the Amino One's location for a hands-on microbiology learning experience.

We had 1280x720 JPEG images from our camera. We found that a 175x18 image excerpt taken at position 362:56 typically showed a representative picture of the liquid color within the culture chamber. The histograms of U data values from four such 175x18 images are shown below. The upper left is at a time of 3 hours (yellow liquid), and the lower left is at a time of 42 hours (pink liquid). It appears that the U values are generally greater in the latter case, but there is not a pronounced effect. The upper right is at a time of 29 hours and the lower right is at a time of 33 hours: as mentioned earlier, these times were characterized by an initial slight appearance of pink.

We do not feel that this methodology is currently adequate for automated identification of pigment production. One of the challenges is capturing a picture of still liquid without any bubbles. In future work, several JPEG images could be obtained and the histogram data could be averaged with exclusion of outliers. For example, given the overall pace of the experiment, data acquisition with a Nest API could be scheduled for once per hour. Then, a set of 100 JPEG images could be gathered for averaging, with 10 per minute over a 10-minute period. (10 per minute is the maximum snapshot_url rate allowed by a Nest API.) Alternatively, if the Amino Labs team adds programmatic control of the Air and Circulation functions, then Air and Circulation could be temporarily shut off shortly before the Nest API calls.

Time-lapse Videos

These are large (50 Mb) video files that may not work on all Internet connections. Creation of time-lapse videos uses the cloud-based software on the home.nest.com web site, with a very simple user interface. It is not necessary to copy days' worth of video data to one's own computer. Similarly, it is not necessary to have previous experience with a video-editing application.

Clouding of the Culture Chamber (hours 14 to 22)
Rapid Increase in pH (hours 19 to 24)
Color Changing to Pink (hours 29 to 38)
Pink Color Intensifying (hours 32 to 42)

Here are a few additional notes and pictures from earlier parts of the experiment. More pictures will be added soon.

First, we have a series of comments that apply chronologically to the Amino One instruction manual. We felt that the instruction manual was very good, and are simply listing everything that possibly could have been improved for us or other readers.

Next, we have pictures of some of the significant parts of the experiment, also organized chronologically.

Engineer-it Kit step 2.4 - growth of non-selective plate after 6 hours:

Engineer-it Kit step 2.4 - growth of non-selective plate after 14 hours:

The non-selective plate after Engineer-it Kit step 3.3:

Engineer-it Kit step 4.3 - incubating for 20 minutes at 4 degrees (or slightly lower):

Engineer-it Kit step 4.4 - achieving 42 degrees:

We used the time.gov web site to measure the critical 90-second period for the heat shock in Engineer-it Kit step 4.5. Beginning of the 90 seconds:

During the 90 seconds:

After the 90 seconds:

After Engineer-it Kit step 4.6 (3 minutes at 4 degrees):

Engineer-it Kit step 5.3 - selective plate:

Engineer-it Kit step 5.4 - incubation of selective plate at 37 degrees:

We aimed the Nest camera at the incubator so that we could record the growth and watch it remotely (we found that the zoom and enhance features in the Nest app were helpful):

Engineer-it Kit step 5.4 - growth of selective plate after 6 hours:

Engineer-it Kit step 5.4 - growth of selective plate after 14 hours:

Engineer-it Kit step 5.4 - growth of selective plate after 26 hours (the plate had been moved slightly when looking for colonies):

Starting after Grow-it Kit step 3.9, we moved the Nest camera to a higher position so that it could see both the culture chamber and the top of the touchscreen. We simply stacked miscellaneous household objects to achieve the correct height:

Here is an overview of the complete lab setup including the waste container:


We found that the Amino One Desktop Biolab (aka Bioproduction Lab) is a reliable platform for DNA transformation experiments. We believe that capturing a complete multi-day video stream of an experiment is extremely helpful for ensuring that many types of data and observations can be reliably collected on an after-the-fact basis. We do not have any personal interest in specific camera manufacturers, but we feel that the Nest Cam Indoor product is a robust and cost-effective choice. This is marketed for home consumer use, and is thus compatible with the home-based bioengineering concept. The entire process of integrating video technology into a biology experiment has non-negligible cost and complexity, but adds substantial value to the educational outcome.

Extra Pictures

Here are some of the additional products we bought for the experiment. First, we used a store brand of lemon juice to reduce the pH:

We found that the one-gallon Rubbermaid mixermate pitcher was a good choice for the waste container:

We found that a small folding table could be used to place this container's opening just below our countertop: